With 15 inches of snow on the ground I didn't really feel like riding so instead I went Cross Country skiing. Near my house is a hiking right of way, which is an old farmer's road, that I figured I would climb up and see if I might find a back down into the Pond Brook Valley. I didn't find anything except some old trails that looped back onto one another. Below is a what the hiking right of way looks like. Had to veer off a few time to avoid the stream.
I headed over to Butterfield Road and skiied into another area with a plethora of old farming/logging roads. I was doing OK until I never picked up one the trail that I was actually looking for. I started bushwhacking again until I found it which brought me out to Butterfield.
Here is my obligatory,
I was there shot. By the time I got home I was soaked from head to toe.

Trying to connect the areas would allow for some really epic rides!
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