In a way, it's satisfying to know that someone is actually reading your blog. Without being smug, I know that I have a few readers, but it seems to be a blogging achievement to find some sort of sublime popularity that you never thought existed. Of course there are the political, news, gossip, and entertainment bloggers that have turned their blogs into full time jobs and while that may seem fun at first I imagine that it could also get old, right quick.
I think the fun of blogging is that you get to share your thoughts and experiences with others, wear your heart on your sleeve, regardless of whether anybody is reading what you are producing. In this new age of Informational Instant Gratification, a blog can be seen as an extension of getting upon the soap box at Hyde Park in London and making your thoughts or feeling known about a particular topic.
Thus, I was surprised to learn that the Snack was selected by another blogger as a blog to represent CT in the blogger's post of 50 States - 100 Bike Blogs. That's a cool honor. Apparently the selection criteria was as follows:
I did favor those that update regularly when I could. I tried to mix in some famous (dare I say canonical) bike blogs that I read regularly, with a bunch of others that I hadn't come across before. I also wanted to get a good mix of mountain bikers, bike commuters, hipsters, advocates, roadies and randos- and I think I did fairly well in that regard.Well, the Snack definitely has good portion of the criteria covered, I am always looking for new things to write about when it comes to biking and it is of interest to me, especially in the world of Mountain Biking, Fixed Gear, and Commuting. I am honored and I thank you.
Here are some of the blogs that I recognize and I will be reading each and everyone of these to see if any of them are worth following - chances are they might be all worth following.

If you live in the tri-state area (NY, NJ, and CT) and you ride fixed gear then you must read the BSNYC. Even before I started riding fixie I found his blog to be thoroughly amusing and quintessential of the attitudes typical of growing up in this area. Snobby's wit and cynicism livens up the day even on topics that I have little or no interest in.
Regular readers also treat each of his posts as a race to see who can post the first comment, or get on the podium as one of the first three commentators, and the top ten commentators. I have podiumed I think three or four times, and twice in one week. The nice thing is, his posts usually pop out around lunch when I am eating mine. Of course after you haveactually read the post, the next task is to post a comment on the particular topic with the same wit. Of course, another game in itself is to unveil this person's identity, which is a closely guarded secret.

Cancer is affecting my family directing because my wife's father is dying from it. It's extremely hard living with this knowledge and having small children who dearly love their Pop Pop and to know that sometime in the near future you are going to have to explain to some very little and very upset that their grandfather has passed away. I deeply feel for each and everyone who are affected in some way by these diseases and that their will to keep going, especially with knowledge that their time may be limited, is truly inspiring.

50 States - 100 Bike Blogs will certainly prove worthwhile reading for weeks to come and I am glad someone has done this.