My wife and I celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary at the Old Saybrook Inn and she was cool with me bringing my bike knowing that I am an early riser and didn't want to be woken up come Sunday morning. Wardrobe decisions for road riding are so difficult I think largely because it's still new too me so figuring out what to wear so that I don't freeze in the descents. This morning it was around 58 deg and I wore a long sleeve, short sleeve jersey with back pockets and my wind vest and except for the end of the ride I never hot enough to take off the wind vest.

With the sun not even up yet, the view from the Inn this morning was incredible.

My original plan was to loop around on 156 and then go north and ride back on Route 1 but I wasn't sure I had enough time so I continued on to Divine Wine and the Rocky Neck State Park Mountain Bike Trail Head as my turn around point. I considered riding back on One Mile Creek but didn't have a map on me so I wasn't sure where it would come out so I just rode back to the bridge on 156.

When I got back to the Inn, I still had 15 minutes to spare and wasn't quite at 30 miles so I continued riding towards Fenwick where I stopped to take a few pictures at the point. Then it was off to breakfast with my wife and spend the rest of the day on the beach!
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