Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday Morning Greis-n-shine

Another later start and rather than riding to OOF we met at the Flagpole and decided to ride to Greisers in Easton for lunch.

It was cloudy but a little warmer than yesterday, this time in the low 40s

We got paninis and coffee and sat in the back room

I got the Chicken and Pesto wrap, OMG, it was delish!

Leaving Greisers we rode back on Adams and North Park

Over the bridge on Meadowbrook Road which is now open with one lane

and it's not paved.

Mike called a beer audible so we stopped at NewSylum.

When we got back to the Flagpole, Scott's friend Rich stopped by to say hello.

Mike had his bike in the car and his jeans on when we said lets ride with Rich for an extra credit loop

It wasn't shining today at all. It was in fact, another New Engloomy day


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