
Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Round 2 with crashes and mechanicals

My neighbor's son texted me midday and wanted to know what time I would be home from work on Tuesday. I told him when I decided to stop as I was working from home. Clearly, he wanted to ride as he saw my ride from the morning on Strava.

I took a break from work after 5 and headed out with Bucky. I knew the trails had seen some action after my ride in the morning so we headed in from Pond Brook.  The bridge is still where I left it!  We headed up to the Hunter's Tree Stand Trail, which is where the lunch riders went, too.

Their tracks made the trail look really well defined. While riding through this part of the forest I happen to notice some pink and black engineer tape that might be marking a new trail that would seem to connect the Blue Trail (from Forest Road) to the Pond Brook Connector.

When we got on the Mulikin it all of a sudden got really sloppy and I was thinking that maybe we should head up to Forest Road, however, I wanted to see how bad the really bad section was but it wasn't really that bad.

Bucky and I then headed onto the Unmarked and Unsanctioned Trail but he was having issues with his bike again. His chain kept getting stuck in the rear derailleur but when I looked at the chain I couldn't see anything wrong with it, so we pressed on.

I am not sure I am totally on board with this solution that someone has taken upon them self to do. I think a reroute is more appropriate since the size of this wet area is so large.

We continued down the Gussy and Bucky was still having issues with his bike.

On the reach around my bike slipped out from under me and I went down.  I went down harder a second time when crossing the Jeep Trail but nothing was wrong with the bike.  Back on Sanford Road, Bucky didn't want to head back so we opted for a quick loop on the Forest Road but his chain issues only seemed to be getting worse so we headed home. 

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