
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This weather is getting old!

Where is spring?  Enough already!

I can ride to the office at this temperature, just not comfortably, so today I broke out the big guns! Overbooties and over mitts!  Well, the overbooties at least.  I can always ride with Lobster Gloves but even at this temperature they are too warm and that is why I like riding with my old, ratty Cannondale winter riding gloves with the over mitts.  Never got cold today! 

The reason for the stop and subsequent photo session was a clicking sound coming from my front tire.  My fear was that I picked up something metal and extraction would surely mean a flat tire but before I inspect my tire closer this kind lady stopped her car wondering if I needed any help thinking that I had a problem with the bike.  She even offered to let me use her phone!  Thanked her for her kindness and told her I was fine.  And the tire was fine, too, just a few small rocks trapped in the treads.  Of course I always carry two spare tubes and these tires are puncture resistant.  You can never be too careful!

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