
Thursday, October 17, 2013

The "NEW" trail at George C Waldo SP

I didn't feel my initial post really did the new trail, the extension of Daffy Duck justice without actually calling it so people could see it. With a little editing of some GPX tracks I have made it so you can now get a better idea of how the new trail is laid out.

The Daffy Extension (Blue) starts at the intersection of the Hunter's Trail (Pink) and rejoins the Waldo trail at this big up and over called Captain's Log.  As for the new trail, riding down it was pretty good.  I think there are few turns that need some tweaking but overall it's fantastic.  My only regret was I didn't get to ride back up it.  That will be the next time.

Also pictured in the map, near the entrance to the park is a little piece of Singletrack (also in Blue) called Thing 1.  I am told there could be more things to accompany Thing 1.

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