
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Support the Sandy Hook Ride on Washington!

26 Cyclists from around the area, three of whom live in Newtown, will ride from Sandy Hook Elementary School to Washington D.C. to deliver a message to the United States Congress:  People have had enough and we now need meaningful legislation in order to curb future gun violence! 

Here is how you can help:  Spread the Message by liking their Facebook Page and letting your friends know about what they are doing, by tweeting and or emailing them!   

You can also support them by buying an official Sandy Hook Ride on Washington decal for your bike and apply it 26 cm from your headset to show your solidarity for their cause.  100% of the proceeds go to supporting their ride to the Capitol.

You can also pick one up at one of three area bike shops and one in College Park, MD!

Bethel Cycle
5 Depot Place
Bethel, CT 06801

Class Cycles
77 Main Street North, Suite 105
Southbury, CT 06488

Proteus Bicycles
9217 Baltimore Ave
College Park, MD 20740

Outdoor Sports Center
80 Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 06897

On March 9th, a group of riders will start with them riding from the Newtown Municipal Center, to Sandy Hook Elementary School for a moment of silence and then past Hawley Elementary School and Head of Meadow Elementary School.  Team 26 will then split off on their route towards DC and those of us in the sendoff pack will complete a 26 mile loop through Newtown and Monroe passing by Middle Gate Elementary School and the new home of Sandy Hook Elementary School, Chalk Hill Elementary School in Monroe, CT.  From there we'll ride back to Sandy Hook Elementary School and finish back at the Municipal Center.

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