
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cape Cod Mountain Biking: Trail of Tears

This is the beauty of being a NEMBA member, knowing that another member, quite famous at that, happens to live in the area and can give you a guided tour of one of the best places to Mountain Bike on the Cape.  When I emailed Bill Boles, aka NEMBABill, a couple of weeks ago about riding on the Cape he said he was more than willing to show me some of the great places to ride and he was more than willing to accommodate my schedule, which is early mornings because I can't interrupt that all important beach time that the family vacation requires.  Afterall, that's why I am here!

According to local legend, Trail of Tears is not named for it's beautifully maintained singletrack as one would think, rather the fact it was the MX'ers who initially carved this place out and when the mountain bikers started riding the place the trails consistently went up every imaginable fall line possible and of course that brought tears to many of a mountain biker.  Of course, over the years, with proper management and trail building techniques many of those climbs have been rerouted, yet there are still many that are still ridden.  In fact, I couldn't get over how much total elevation I climbed over the entire 12 miles!  1000+ feet!

There will be some video footage coming soon!
Steve, who was riding with us picked up a thorn.
Despite all the climbing, Trail of Tears is awesome Singlespeed Country! 
Bill Boles, aka NEMBABill
One such climb that could bring on the tears!  Tears of Joy in my case!

Bill led me to the 4th highest point on the Cape.
We are looking east from here, which in local speak is "Down Cape."

Bill is a masterful rider and really knows this place
Happy bike!

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