
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday Night Bike Maintenance

I was all geared up to ride after work today, of course that is until one of my meetings went over and the one following went event longer.  I even thought ahead and wore my riding socks so I would have one less thing to worry about.  Oh well.  On the way home, I hit the Goodie Shop for some chains, 7-11 for a lottery ticket, and the Hawleyville Packy for some BBC, a six pack of 'Gany, and I picked two bottles of this Porter from Poland called Black Boss.

Glenn came over to pick up tools for a guy that has permission to build trails on about 600 acres of land in Eastern CT.  We ended up splitting a bottle of Steel Rail Pale Ale and talking bikes for an hour.  Tonight's activities included putting thinner tires on the Monster Cross, Kenda Klaw 29x1.95s, one of the new chains that I got at the Goodie Shop and a 19t Cog because I am going to start training on the dirt roads of Roxbury and Washington CT of Single Speed Appalooza.  We'll see how it works out but if it turns out to be too easy I will probably switch back to the 18t.

It's funny but when ever I look into my tool box with all my gears the Motley Crew song sounds in my head. I hope to my butt over to Stewart in the next week or two to see what the terrain will be like and what type of gearing I am going to be comfortable with but I still need to work on my cardio because it's not where it should be be after some recent health issues.

I decided to finally get an orange KMC SS chain for the Monster and now I am wondering whether or not to do orange bar tape and an orange saddle.  Orange pedals would be nice, too.  Devil's Gear in New Haven just got a bunch of new water bottles with orange tops.  Hopefully, they'll send me some soon.

Half a bomber of BBC, and a bottle of 'Gany later I was done.  Of course, I was hoping to get to some other bikes, too, but they will have to wait.  I almost broke out a bottle of the new porter but when I saw the alcohol content, 9.8%, I decided that was more of a post ride beer than work on bikes beer.  One thing I was pleased with was that I changed both tires wearing gloves.  I really don't want to risk a cut with meds I am taking so I taking as many extra precautions as possible.

1 comment:

  1. merlinshearer2:58 PM

    purple bar tape has gotta go! Its time for full on Orange!


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