
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Long time no Huntington

I had somewhere to be in the early afternoon so I popped smoke from the trail work a little earlier than the rest so that I could get a ride in at Huntington.  I was amazed at how many trees were down post Irene and realized that the last time I had ridden at Huntington was at the Happening at Huntington.  

Riders who were at the Trail Work Day including Ed Perten (r) and Kyiera Tucker  (middle)

Ed Perten (left), Alex from Fairfield (middle) and Paula Burton (right)
It seems everyone was riding the trail relocation from the same direction but I rode it in the opposite direction and while it's nice it's still frumpy from the fact that there is still a lot of duff on the trail that needs to get removed, except for the section that I did and the neighboring piece done by Mike Burke.  Still it's a welcomed change.

South Pond Trail relocation
There were two big blowdowns on the Rock and Rock and Roll Trail, one pictured below was massive and it will probably be better suited to just do a go around.  The other further down was taken care of.

Riders heading south on Rock and Roll

The new bridge
I was supposed to meet Nate Hale, the Park Land Manager at the new Bridge today and give him a check for $1500 has a donation from CT NEMBA to the Friends of Putnam Memorial Park in order to purchase a York Rake for spreading gravel but he wasn't there.  So I spent the time riding with a $1500 check in my pocket, I think that is the most money I have ever ridden with in the woods.

It's definitely fall in New England!

The other blowdown at the bottom of Little Vomit

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