
Monday, May 31, 2010

Tandeming around town

I wanted to take Katie over to the North Putnam County Rail Trail but there wasn't enough time yesterday afternoon so we headed out for 10+ mile loop around town. She wanted to ride down Main Street so that mean climbing all the way up Hanover Road, ooof! Got passed by some guy on a sleek rig, of course he wasn't pedaling 50 lb bike, 80 lbs of kid, and some extra stuff. Of course the reward was a nice coast down Main but we got stuck at the light. We rode down to Mile Hill and then on to Mile Hill South where rode on the Town's other multi-use trail that runs along the back side of Fairfield Hills.

At the top of the hill that boasts a nice panoramic view of Newtown, granted you can't see much because everything is obscured by trees it still makes a nice place to stop and take a break.

And of course to ham it up for the camera.

Perfect day and perfect temps for riding around town on the tandem.

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