
Sunday, May 23, 2010

20 Clicks on the North Putnam Line

I got an email the other day from of someone that lives near me and shares my passion for riding rail trails. Brodie had been bugging me all week for a trail-a-bike ride so I thought I would make it up to him and he would ride this section of the Putnam Country Rail Trail. Paved Railtrails and Fixed Gears are a match made in heaven.

This is a busy rail trail with many cyclists and walkers, even a few roller bladers, too. I didn't know roller blading was still en vogue. We passed this Father and Son duo about a mile back from this point but you-know-who needed to pee so they caught up to us. We passed them again shortly afterwards.

At the 10 Km point, we stopped for a light snack, a little apple juice and some photo opportunities. We hit the 10K point in 30 minutes.

There are straight stretches of the trail that are a mile long.

Funny how you only see old guys on recumbents. I think it was the rage twenty years ago and they never got rid of them but you only see old guys on them.

Back at the car it was time for liquids and having fun in the back of the car while I got things loaded.

Having not made it all the way to Mahopac my guess is that it's one gradual climb and then basically downhill to Yonkers.

The first peak in the profile below is the section that goes through Carmel. It seems that the original grade was changed making it a much higher climb to get over Route 6 than what the original bed did. There are quite a few sections along what we rode that were this way as well. Still, it was cool to be riding a piece of history.

I might try to do the three sections next month, which would make it my first 100 miler. Not sure I was to try that fixed, though. Probably use the Qball for that ride since I have slicks on it now.

1 comment:

  1. That's where I do the majority of my road riding. Its great early morning when no one is there. And its even better further south where you cross the reservoir.


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