
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monster Cross Ride Report

Holy cow, riding rigid is so awesome and I can't believe what I have been missing. Of course, the large volume tires certainly added to the bike's capability and the shock post smoothed out some of the rough stuff but I have forgotten what's like to ride this way, and can't wait to do more.
The Qball Monster Crosser performed beautifully on the tight singletrack on the Upper Paugussett State Forest. I am tempted to go back to flat bars just to get back into riding rigid again. I am still getting used to hand and body positioning on the flared drops when it comes to technical areas and obstacles. On the ride, I walked through a few of them because I didn't want to take any chances but other areas, such as the Wet Spot, the bike behaved nicely. The 29 inch tire really eats the trail up.


  1. A friend of mine converted his Outcast and is loving it. I have bars and levers ready to convert my KM for a couple of races this Fall.

  2. Hey, I have to test run this Qball setup. It looks like a blast.

  3. Hey Mark -

    I like the new setup, glad to hear that you are enjoying the rigid ride once again.

    Looks Great!


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