
Thursday, April 02, 2009

First Commute of Spring

Made a few more changes on the Bridgestone and what a difference! First of all, I raised the stem an inch and replaced the flat bars with risers. I canted them forwards a little bit and then added the grips. I no longer feel scrunched while riding! The bars are now high enough so that when I climb it's like being in position #2 during spin class.

There was no chance of the Chicken Schizt meter this morning. While eating a bowl of Trader Joes Triple Berrios, I got suited up which just got me psyched up even more. It was 36 degrees out so I threw on the overbooties just to be safe. The only thing bothering me as I left is that the Edge wouldn't aquire. It finally did when I got down to Pond Brook Rd.

The Nashbar Pannier garment bag is really nice. One thing I found when riding to work is that I often forget to bring a jacket so today I schlepped an additional jacket to leave at work. It was a good ride in and quick one home. I really pushed it and got home in 40 minutes.


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

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  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Now that's a Rig!

  3. Thanks. After that first ride two weeks ago I was contemplating putting it up on Craigslist but the new bars and raising the stem has made a huge difference.


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