
Friday, July 18, 2008

Last day of fishing and I got skunked!

Went out at 7:30 am in a light drizzle that turned into a torrential
down pour. If it weren't for the bimni top, we would have been
completely miserable. Besides catching a few perch, there were no
walleye caught by me, though my father caught one jigging.

We did, however, keep up our tradition of a shore lunch on the last
day of the trip at Baie Cox. If it wasn't for the lighter fluid, I
don't think we could have gotten the fire started. As usual, my
father only brought a frying pan and a spatula but there were no
plates or forks, so we had to eat directly from the pan.

Afterwards, I snagged a jig on a stump and busted the rod trying to
horse it out. Fortunately, it was an old rod. I stuck it in the
stump at the shore lunch place. We'll see if it's still there in two

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